5 Types of Social Proof Most Likely to Impact Conversion

May be it was like this. Before we believe a claim, we need to be convinced – especially when we are browsing a website or considering a purchase.

Enter social proof.

In general, social evidence relates to situations in which the actions / choices of others influence our own decisions. According to social psychologist Robert Cialdini, it has a powerful effect on people, serving as valid proof that it is okay to do something, if only because others are doing it as well.

When used on a website, it can dramatically increase conversions.

There are many different forms of social proof. Each has its own unique characteristics. In this post, we are looking at some of the most powerful forms of social proof that you can use to increase conversions. We will examine the benefits of each form, and show you how to use each correctly.

1. Testimonials

This is because it shares the benefits seen by those who have already worked with you or purchased your product.

Testimonials are of two types: video and text. Choosing the right format often depends on the time and capacity of your customers.

Some businesses use both text and video testimonials. However, they did not put both forms on the same page. Rather, they may place a small, accurate testimonial on their homepage, which is just above the fold. They will then have a page detailing “success stories”, in which you will be able to see many other testimonials in video form.

This approach can work well, as you will be able to draw from the best of both worlds.

Homepage Testimonial

A homepage testimonial is probably the most important form of social proof that you can include on your website.

But your home page is valuable real estate. Do not choose any old testimonials – you need to choose a website that talks to new website visitors, and you need one that will turn them into customers or customers.

Ideally, a homepage testimonial should meet these criteria:

It should solve the biggest problem / concern of its ideal customers.
It should clearly state that you have solved the problem.
This needs to come from a previous customer. (Visitors should be able to relate to them.)
It may also refer to other issues that the new visitor wants to resolve.
For example, a great testimonial would be, “Before X Company, I had to do Y. Now. Thanks to them, I no longer need to focus on Y and can finally focus on Z.”

Y is Paintpoint and Z is what the customer wants to do instead. This is a very simple formula. Nevertheless, if you can find testimonials that follow this format, then you can visit a good place.

Notice how the testimonial does a great job of reassuring those who can become potential customers. And it fits the 4 criteria of a powerful homepage testimonial perfectly.

This addresses the biggest problem of Bidsketch prospects, the time it takes to make a proposal. In this case, it also addresses a secondary concern about how well it looks.

Note that this not only calls for solving the problem, but also the time the documents have been saved – 2 hours and 15 minutes. It is important.

And it comes from a reliable source. If someone is not aware of the presence of the business document, it will be the creative director, so it bears some weight.

Description case
When detailing testimonials, you should be as granular as possible in terms of the people providing the testimonials.

Who was he
What company do they work for?
What benefit did they get?
Try to include a picture as well.
Here is a good example. This comes from a Groovehq blog post. It does a lot of the above mentioned points.

Video testimonials

Video testimonials are powerful because voice and expression can often convey more than mere words. Keep the above 4 criteria in mind. They also work for video testimonials.

However, many people often feel the need to edit their testimonial videos. It often does not matter. Website visitors simply need to feel that the person in the video is trustworthy and has encountered some problems – unless your company has helped them solve the problems.

Where to use testimonials

Testimonials can (and should) be used on your website.

Here’s an example of a checkout page that does something similar. The example shown is not actually a testimonial.

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