Don’t Create a Call to Action & Other Advanced CTA Tips

Second only to the headline, this conversion element holds the power to explain or confuse prospects in those critical seconds before purchase.

I’m talking, of course, about the CTA (call to action).

Whether increasing your list or selling, the purpose of your CTA is the same, taking your prospects to the next step in your funnel. This is an important work and one that deserves good attention, so why is it often ignored?

Ask yourself how many times have you seen a great copy that was undone by a decrepit, generic and unlicensed CTA.

This is the tipping point between conversion and bounce, so you depend on yourself to make sure that your CTA is as compelling and successful as possible.

So let’s try to hold off on cunning CTAs and squeeze every last conversion we can out of your prospects by adding more value to this critical stage of your sales pitch.

Do not call to action!

Part of the problem with poor CTA actually stems from the name.

call to action.

I see a lot of CTAs using language that only describes the action you are about to take. The problem with this language is that it is often associated with effort or loss.

Nobody wants to think what they will get with a click. They want to think about what they are going to achieve. If your audience cannot see the benefit of clicking, then optimizing your CTA color and position is zero for everyone.

Submit – Just a bad word option. Of course, I know that they want me to present my details, but this word sends the wrong message. It is vague, generic and I think I have lost a battle by presenting your weak marketing effort.

Lose money I am getting something I want outside of the purchase, but it reminds me that I have to pay for it so that I hesitate and question my decision.

Order – Again, it reminds me that I have to buy something. Not only that, by ordering I think I will have to wait for this. I’m impatient and want my product now!

Don’t focus on the word that best describes what a prospect is, use words that describe the benefit of taking the next step along your funnel. Create a cost click cost.

Test your thoughts. You don’t have to make a big change. Michael Augard switched to ‘get’ the ‘order’ for the Danish website and saw a 38.26% increase in conversions.

Changing the negative to ‘get profit from order’ is a small change that has a huge impact on the effectiveness of the CTA.

If you are looking for further examples of good CTAs, look no more than two inches to the right. There is no ambiguity or confusion in Crazy Egg CTA. You really told what you are going to get and how to get it.

The focus is on what you are going to get, not what you have to do.

See, that’s a terrible CTA thing. They do not try to be clever or funny because they do not need to be. They are simple-to-the-point and focus on providing what the customer wants.

This is not a difficult set of rules to follow and, despite other areas we are about to be important, I honestly think the tone and focus of your CTA lesson is the most important.

So we know what to say, but where do we say it?
I can already hear my loyal readers shouting, “From above!”

I got it. This is one of those marketing myths that has somehow become a rule of thumb. Unfortunately, I am not a rule that I subscribe to.

The best place for a CTA is not at the top of your page. It is also not at the bottom of the page. Wherever your audience is ready to make a commitment, there is the best placement.

Think about it.

There is a funnel, a type, that leads up to the actual click. You need to get your audience to go through stages of meditation, interest, desire, and action (AIDA) before they are likely to be noticed.

A car salesman will not force you to make the purchase that you placed on his lot. Before doing this he builds your interest and desire because he knows that you are more likely to say yes. Getting someone to click on your CTA is very similar.

Your audience needs inspiration and there is a reason to click before you can successfully ask for a purchase.

Now I know what you are thinking. You are going to quote one of the derivatives of the old 80/20 rule, which probably states that 80% of your audience did not scroll to see more of your content.

I can’t argue with it, said David Ogilvy in the 1960s.

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