How to Apply the Psychology of Persuasion To Your Business

Robert Cialdini’s famous book Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion is a mainstay of any business-oriented list read.

You’ve read the concepts before and you’ve probably also seen the full list of theories on several occasions.

Reciprocity, consistency, social proof, hiking, authority, and lack

These principles determine the way we behave in our society, and we can use them to identify and predict human behavior. Today we are going to talk specifically about how these 6 principles of persuasion can be applied with the aim of increasing the online conversion of your business.

In the 80s, the Hare Krishna movement used this principle by offering flowers to people at airports and then requesting donations. They found that those who received a flower had donated more often than those who had not received a flower, despite the fact that most of these flowers were immediately dumped in the trash.

The reciprocal principle has nothing to do with the market price exchange of goods. If the person receiving the gift sees it as a “payment” for the desired action, they will not feel mutually obligated.

But if a gift is seen as a mere gift, the value or desirability of the gift does not affect a person’s intrinsic need to achieve it.

So essentially, this theory says that if you give something to a person, he is likely to give you something in return.

How to apply reciprocity to your business

This principle is exceptionally easy to apply to your business. It is as simple as giving free goods and then following that gift with a request.

Here is a free digital copy of my book. Thank you for downloading! Would you like to buy my second book?

Here is a free consultation. My paid services can help you here, here and here.
Here is a free product. Recommend us to your friends.

As a result, we are more likely to say yes to a larger request if we have already said yes to a smaller, similar request.

For example, in a study cited by Cialdini, two groups of volunteers went door-to-door asking homeowners not to display a giant billboard in their front lawn reading “drive carefully” Are.

The first group visit was only a cold call. The second group began their journey with an initial visit, requesting that homeowners display a small sign on their lawn reading “Be an A Driver”.

The second group had a 450% higher success rate.

Why? The Sustainability Principal tells us that despite the callousness of the billboard request, homeowners had already decided to support a safe driving cause that felt obliged to remain consistent in that stance.

How to apply consistency to your business
The best way to apply this principle to your business is to make it ridiculously simple for customers to say yes to your business.

What is the easiest possible yes they can give you? Once found, give them even easier options.

If it is a $ 5oo product, create a $ 50 product that leads to a more expensive product. If it is a $ 50 product, create a $ 5 product. If it’s a $ 5 product, then go for their email instead.

3. Social proof

Psychology of persuasion
You all know what social proof is. It has become a modern staple of online marketing. For the non-irrigated, the principle of social proof states that people want to do what everyone else is doing.

Is everyone dancing? More people dance. Is everyone watching that video? More people are going to click it. Is everyone buying your product? You can’t stop people train.

You know what social proof is, but how can you apply it to your business?

How to apply social evidence to your business
Anyone can make fake numbers or claims, so we are going to ignore that type of social proof.

Ultimately, it is not about what is displayed on your site, it is about how many people are actually interested in or engaging with your business. For many businesses, the only real way to use social proof is to align their business with some people who are already doing it.

In other words, it all rests itself on a downhill snowball.

There are many ways to do this, but you probably need to get creative:

Restrain yourself to an existing trend, such as fair trade, organic, donations w / purchases, etc.
Get inside a huge niche audience and create something that solves a unique problem for them.
Use your copy writing to add extensive feedback to your specific product / service.

How to make people like your business

According to all accounts, when I have to think about our current President, I do not have good thoughts in my mind.

But I do, and because of that can help your business.

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